If you want to write for a living, or even as a hobby, one thing you have to get to grips with is the alphabet. You only have 26 letters to use to form your work, so here are 26 tips – one beginning with each of them – on how to make your writing excel.
A – Apply yourself. Don’t just say you want to be a writer, do it! Write constantly, even when you’re not feeling at your most creative.
B – Be passionate. Writing and seeing your words on a page should excite you. If it doesn’t, perhaps it’s not for you.
C – Consider a course. Our discounted Business Blogging for Beginners Diploma Course will be just perfect for you.
D – Don’t be distracted. Make sure your writing time is devoted to writing, and don’t be frightened to ask your friends and family to leave you in peace for a short while!
E – Edit your work. Reread it regularly, and ask somebody else to in case they pick up on something you’ve missed.
F – Find your favourite place to write. It might be at a desk, on a train or even in bed.
G – Get published. Start your own blog, or send letters to a local paper. Anything that can get you used to seeing your writing in public can only be good.
H – Have patience. If what you write is not appreciated at first, keep trying. It’s said that J. K. Rowling’s original Harry Potter script was rejected by 12 publishers.
I – Ink and paper. Carry a pen and notebook with you wherever you go, as you never know when you might gain inspiration. A tablet or smartphone will work just as well if you prefer the more digital approach.
J – Join a writers’ circle. Not far from you, there are bound to be several groups of enthusiastic penmen keen to share and discuss their work in libraries and pubs. Learn from them as you socialise.
K – Keep up to date. One of the hardest tasks for veteran writers is to keep pace with the modern era. Technology is now a part of our everyday lives, so any realistic story set in current times is sure to involve it.
L – Love the language. The likes of word games and anagrams can really add to your appreciation of English, and there’s no substitute for a good dictionary.
M – Mix it up. Try writing something you wouldn’t normally, whether it’s comedy, crime, fantasy or sci-fi.
N – Notes are a necessity. Always jot down ideas and refer back to them. Many writers find mind-maps a great way to generate ideas.
O – Overanalyse other work. If you see a passage of writing you think is great, try scrutinising it more closely. Do you start to see anything you would have done differently?
P – Pride in your work. Always take satisfaction in the fact that you’re getting writing done, and look for the positives in whatever you put together.
Q – Question yourself. At the same time as the above, be sure to ask yourself what you could be doing differently or better. The best writers are both their own biggest fans and critics.
R – Read widely. Without exception, good writers are always wide and appreciative readers.
S – Shorten you sentences. Huge blocks of text are off-putting even if the words within them are brilliant. Keep it snappy and concise.
T – Thick skin. None of us like to hear criticism, but it’s often the most useful form of feedback. Accept it, and learn from it.
U – Understand all writing is different. Just because somebody else’s writing isn’t the same as yours, that doesn’t make it better or worse.
V – Vision and verse. Take inspiration from what’s happening around you. Perhaps that guy sitting opposite you on the train right now would be a great main character for your next story?
W – Wise up on words. The more you have in your vocabulary, the more ways you can get your message across.
X – Xpress yourself. Writing is deeply personal, and if your language is shy and unimaginative, your work may become literally a closed book.
Y – You are a writer. Don’t be hesitant to describe yourself as one.
Z – Zzzzzz. Don’t forget to sleep, as this allows your brain to recharge. If you’re up all night every night putting pen to paper, your mind will become exhausted and your work will suffer.
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