Are you looking to earn money writing from home? Maybe you’re looking at freelance writing as a way of bringing in a second income, or perhaps you have higher ambitions of writing full-time for a living. Did you know there are companies actively looking for people like you to write content for them, to produce blogs, articles, press releases, features and news for their websites? Thousands of people make money from home writing for the web, and you can too.
At the Online Learning Academy, we take a no-nonsense approach to improving your abilities as a writer. With the help and support of a team of experienced online tutors and editors, you’ll discover exactly how you can find success writing online.
Our approach to learning
Whether you want to write about your passion, or produce content such as news and press releases for a client, we believe that anyone can develop their skills enough to capture and keep an audience.
We focus not only on the nuts and bolts of writing, such as grammar, punctuation and news writing, but also why it’s important and how to use different writing styles to attract the right audience. At every step of the way, you’ll receive support from our tutors and have a chance to test what you know before moving on. We believe that you should learn at a rate that you’re comfortable with.
Real world examples
Nothing prepares you for writing like being placed in a real-world situation. That’s why we make How to Earn Money Writing for the Web as authentic as possible, using exactly the type of writing briefs you’ll see all the time as a freelancer or blogger.
It’s not just about the writing
There’s much more to writing articles online than haphazardly throwing together 300 words on your chosen subject. We’ll show you how you can optimise your writing to capture interest, and how to make sure that search engines expose you to a wider audience.
Who this course is for
This course is aimed primarily at those who want to write for a multitude of clients and be paid for their work, or those looking to gain employment in a content writing-based role. No previous writing experience is required, but you should have a good grasp of the English language as a starting point. If you’re a business owner looking to create blogs, press releases, and articles for your own company, then our course titled Blogging for Beginners Diploma Course may be more useful. The two courses contain a lot of similar material, but are tailored slightly differently for the appropriate student.
Here’s what you can expect to learn during this course:
- Build a picture of your audience
- Develop a writing strategy
- Understand what blogs search engines love
- Learn to write in different styles
- Evaluate how successful your online content is
- Tips for finding genuine, paid writing assignments for real clients!