Five ways to use your avatar in your online marketing

A common mistake in developing an online marketing strategy is to overlook the specifics of who a strategy is targeting. Knowing your customer is key to ensuring an effective strategy. One of the best ways to explore your customer is by using avatars.

You may associate avatar-building with online gaming, but marketers are increasingly using avatar-building as a means through which understand, and target, their ideal client-base.

Avatars can be used in the following ways:

1. To build your content: Target your web content, tweets, and blog posts to your something your avatar is interested in and needs to read. This raises your profile and increases traffic to your website.

2. To target your emails: People are flooded with emails every single day. Knowing your avatar helps you to write emails your potential client actually reads, so you can make them aware of promotions and discounts in this way.

3. Identify your clients’ priorities: developing an avatar can help you understand your clients’ needs and desires. It also helps you to understand how much time and money they have to spend on these needs, so you can hone your message appropriately.

4. Identify how to speak to your client: Do they have a young family or are they empty-nesters? Are they single? A millennial? Young professionals? Approaching retirement? Once you know this, you can develop your tone and use of language to resonate with them.

5. Find out how to communicate with them: Do they use a LinkedIn profile? are they on Twitter? How much time do they spend on Facebook? Not only will knowing this help you find out where best to catch your client, but it will also indicate the type of content they are most likely to be into.

Building an avatar is a creative and effective and tool to use to raise your online marketing game. If you want to know more about how to put avatars to good use, why not download our Elite Facebook Money Marketing course?

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