How mindful colouring can help you focus

In recent years, colouring has become popular way for adults to destress and regain focus on their lives.

Colouring may be something you associate with children’s activities, but research demonstrates that the practice of focusing on colouring for 20 minutes a day can reduce stress and improve focus for people of all ages. Indeed, one of the reasons why colouring is so popular with children is precisely because of its calming effects.

One of the reasons why colouring is such a grounding activity is because it occupies a busy mind and compels you to focus on the here and now. Bring ‘present’ is something that is espoused by the mindfulness community. It helps you to avoid distractions and to centre yourself on what your body is doing, and how you are feeling in the moment.

Colouring, and other mindfulness practices such as breathing exercises, can reduce stress and feelings of depression. Colouring is associated with improved sleep, improved vision and fine motor skills, and improved capacity to concentrate. So many options are available for people who are no longer children to explore mindful colouring as a practice, particularly if you are going through a stressful moment in your life.

Colouring mindfully helps to relax the brain and cut out any intrusive thoughts that may distract you. By resting the mind in this way, you are better able to face any challenge that might confront you. If you want to know more about how mindfulness can help you in the everyday, why not download our free Enhancing Your Studies With Mindfulness course?

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